donderdag 28 april 2011

Ashana 2nd time in hospital

At emergency 25-08-2010  evening
Her heartbeat was to fast 140 beats p.m

Ashana in pain at the echo room

The echo have been done, now we are waiting for an professor to
double check it.

26-08-2010  (night)
1 hour after the echo she is back at emergency room
poor girl was exhaustid.

Still sleeping 

Ashana sleeping in her hospital room.

Diffirence from previous hospitalization is that this time she needed a tube,
because Ashane could not and did not wanted to drink from pain.

A total picture with her tube and bottle filled with limonade.
not fluid food. like the first time she was not alowed to eat.

Gifts for Ashana

Ashana was gifted a pluche dog,
so happy with it

I (mommy) put Ashana in a doctors disposeble suite,
ready to paintttttt!!!!!!

While Ash cleaning her hands with a wet napkin
mommy took a picture. 

End result of Ashana her creative mood.
Bravo Ashana, what a piece of work!!
next Picasso ;

The next day i had to keep Ashana busy for 3 hours or more.
Ashana was so hungry,but was not alowed to eat.
So mommy took her to the playroom and  spend time being creative .

Almost finished!! 

A vieuw with her partner Mr Limonade.

The fantastic 2nd piece of Ashana's art.
Collorfull,shiny and glittery.

Ashana was free from her tube ( Mr limonade)
and well enough to go to school wich was in hospital itself.

Such a nice school

This is what Ashana made at school, teacher helped Ashana with the animals and tree
the rest Ashana did herself, well done dear.

Oooh! how Ashana was happy that she was alowed to eat again after  4/5 day's
Menu: potatoes, carrots and a hamburger,appelsauce.
strawberry quark for dessert
and a cup of Fristi.

Finally after 8 day's in hospital we got the good news
Ashana be released from hospital.
First a bath

Ash in the bath tub

Ashana enjoying her bath, removing the soap from her hair
Good job Ash..
Hurry dear!, lets go home.

What is Pancreas Divisum

This is how a pancreas looks like and where it is located in the huan body.
Normal pancreas as it should be.

The pancreas from ashana.
The ducts does not melt together as it should be.

   Open this link for more information >>>

zaterdag 19 maart 2011

Ashana her 1st Pancreatitis November/December 2009

Here she is at the emergency  in hospital.
After 5 hours i got news that she have a Pancreatitis,
and that she needs to stay.

Here Ashana made a nice artwork, in her
hospital bed. She gave this beautiful artwork to the mommy wich her son was in her room as well, She became my best friend.

This is Ashana her arm after several times giving blood for research.
And  she got bandage allergy.

Here Ashana is eating her first meal after 5/6 day's no food,
She got fluid by IV.

Here is Ashana being happy  for hearing she can go home after 9 day's in hospital